CentOS is an abbreviation for Community Enterprise Operating System. This is one of the leading Linux distributions for servers and it's recognized as one of the most dependable and protected Operating Systems on the market. CentOS is open-source software, which means that you can personalize it in whatever way you see fit, adding and removing packages or modifying the code of all of them. It is also free to distribute and use, so you will not need to pay any kind of license fees, meaning that the overall price that you will need to pay for a server running CentOS will be cheaper than the price for a server running an alternative OS. What makes CentOS unique among various other Linux distributions is its huge developer community, which will help you find the reply to any kind of question or problem you might have. Furthermore, each version which is released officially is supported for a decade, that's is longer than with any other OS. This means regular protection and stability updates that will provide a stable software setting for all your web apps in the long run.

CentOS in Dedicated Web Hosting

You're able to obtain CentOS with each and every dedicated server which we provide, as 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the OS are among the options that you are able to pick on our order page. CentOS is compatible with all three website hosting Control Panels that we provide, so you will be able to pick Hepsia, DirectAdmin or cPanel to be installed on the server. The first one is appropriate for less experienced users who need a powerful web hosting solution, considering that a Hepsia-equipped server is managed like a very large account, whereas the other two Control Panels enable you to make numerous web hosting accounts on the server and even to resell the website hosting space. If you want CentOS with no additional software, you'll be able to select a server setup without Control Panel at all. You can then add just the software that you need. We also offer a Managed Services upgrade, that includes weekly CentOS updates.