Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting
When you purchase a cloud web hosting plan from our company, we guarantee that your websites are going to be working at least 99.9% of the time. We've basically got rid of the web server downtime by using an innovative cloud hosting platform where different groups of servers handle every part of the overall service - files, databases, email messages, etc. In this way, when there is a problem with a server, the other web servers part of the cluster shall simply take over and your internet sites will not be affected whatsoever. In order to avoid any infrastructure problems, we also have diesel backup generators and a few independent Internet providers. Experienced admins keep tabs on the web servers 24/7 to sort out any software problems that may appear while hardware and software firewalls will prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting
If you buy a dedicated server package through our company, you will be able to take full advantage of our service and network uptime guarantee. We'll ensure that your server is accessible at least 99.9% of the time no matter what. We employ new, carefully tested hardware to build each machine and we make sure that all the pre-installed software is functioning properly before the machine is handed over to the consumer. We have also taken measures to forestall any possible infrastructural issues - the constant power supply is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators, while 24/7 access to the dedicated servers is ensured via a number of independent Internet providers. Our professionals are available constantly, including weekends and holidays, so even if any unexpected issue appears, they'll handle it quickly to prevent any downtime of your hosting server and the web sites or offline apps accommodated on it.