Varnish in Cloud Web Hosting
You can unleash Varnish’s full potential and optimize your sites’ loading speed irrespective of the cloud web hosting plan that you have chosen and you can add and set up the content caching platform with several mouse clicks via the easy-to-work-with graphical interface offered by our next-generation Hepsia Control Panel. During the procedure, you’ll be able to select two separate things – how many sites will use the Varnish platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much content will be cached, in other words – the amount of memory. The latter is available in increments of 32 megabytes and is not linked to the number of instances, so you can order more instances and less memory and the other way around. In case you have a lot of content on a particular Internet site and you attract a lot of visitors, more system memory will guarantee you a better result. You may also consider using a dedicated IP address for the Internet sites that will use the Varnish platform. Hepsia will provide you with easy one-click buttons for terminating or restarting any instance, for erasing the cache for any website and for seeing detailed system logs.
Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting
All Linux dedicated web hosting which are ordered with the custom Hepsia website hosting Control Panel come with Varnish, which is one of the pre-installed platforms that you will get with the dedicated machine. The Varnish content caching platform can be set up and administered with ease via Hepsia’s simple-to-navigate GUI and, with no more than one single click, you can browse an in-depth log, add or reboot an instance, clear the cached data associated with any Internet site and much more. Soon after you enable Varnish for a given domain or subdomain, it will start caching the web pages requested by your visitors and once it has cached enough web content, you’ll witness a substantially better site performance plus a lowered load on your dedicated server. With Varnish-dedicated system memory starting at 3 gigabytes, you’ll be able to use the platform for workload balancing purposes even if you host multiple Internet sites on your dedicated server.